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 Masterclass de Teatre Fòrum Intercultural de La Xixa (2024)

Intercultural Forum Theatre Masterclass by La Xixa (2024)

This November, come to La Xixa's Forum Theatre Masterclass!

Come spend a Saturday afternoon with us on November 16!

You'll enjoy the creative and reflective processes developed by various Forum Theatre groups from Barcelona throughout the year.

In particular, we’ll feature the Forum Theatre works from the “Intercultural Forum Theatre Facilitators” groups, performances by the founders of La Xixa, presentations, and more special surprises!

🗓 Saturday, November 16, 2024 | 16:00h to 20:00h
📍 Espai Jove La Fontana (Gran de Gràcia, 190, Barcelona) Metro L3 "Fontana"

🆓 Free event

ℹ️ For info and questions: | +34 661 41 13 45

How does Forum Theatre work?

In Forum Theatre, actors and actresses develop a short theatre piece based on the collective experiences of the participants (actors and actresses).

This piece includes various characters representing different roles: the oppressed, the oppressor, the allies, and the Joker. The Joker is the character who interacts with the audience. The piece’s premise is that the oppressed character always has the power to take action against the oppressor. At the peak of the conflict, the Joker stops the piece (STOP!). Through open dialogue with the audience, alternative solutions to the on-stage conflict are proposed. The Joker then invites an audience member to replace one of the characters on stage. As many alternatives are tested as proposals emerge.

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