What we do
At La Xixa, we create and develop Creative Social Innovation actions for Social Transformation.
We do this through training, public performances, and research. We systematize experiences and create practical, open, and free educational and consultative materials and resources.
We operate in a wide variety of fields such as culture, education, health, activism, and sustainability.
Objectives of
All Our Actions:
To question, analyze, and reflectively assess the information and situations that surround us. This allows us to develop a deeper and more diverse vision and to question the stereotypes we live with.
They Foster Critical Spirit
To create spaces where each voice is heard in a safe and democratic manner, taking into account the diversity of opinions and perspectives of each group or individual.
They Promote Inclusion, Participation, and Diversity
Theatrical, bodily, and experiential tools are incredibly effective at eliciting emotions, visible and invisible oppressions, and allow us to reflect from a different position than we usually do.
They Invite Transformation Through Experiential Means
From an intersectional perspective, we fight against all types of discrimination based on gender, cultural origin, age, ableism, documentation, religion, sexual orientation... in favor of coexistence in diversity.
They Fight Against Any Form of Discrimination

"We believe that lifelong education is the key to moving towards a world with equal opportunities."
Our Approach to Action
Trainings, Workshops, and Specific Actions
We offer training, workshops, and specific interventions for diverse groups. We have a very extensive repertoire of activities and also create custom ones. Actions can be carried out in public, private centers, or on the street, both locally and internationally.
Interculturality, Racism, Xenophobia, Social Inclusion
Gender, Equality Policies, and Sexual Diversity
Active Citizenship, Citizen Participation, and Local Development
Additionally, each year, we offer La Xixa's flagship training "Facilitators of Intercultural Forum Theatre," an annual and free program.

Theatre Plays by La Xixa Lab
La XixaLAB is La Xixa's theatre company, born from the entity's years of experience.
Its purpose is to research, create, and share innovative theatrical proposals that invite critical debate and collective reflection. It consists of a professional cast with expertise in social-oriented theatre.
Some of our theatre plays are:
Jo no soc racista, però #racism #islamophobia #classism
Un tema de gènere #gender #classism #racism
Fair Play #sexual-education #social-media #youth
El Nou #gender #workplace-discrimination
Amor a primera visa #migration #regularization
Zona de Cures #gender #labor-discrimination #care

Handbooks & Guides Practical Resources
Our experiences in trainings and activities allow us to systematize content and knowledge that we turn into accessible resources (in the form of handbooks, guides, or courses) to serve as inspiration and consultation for professionals or the general public. These resources are free and often developed in collaboration with other organizations at the European level.
They usually include step-by-step descriptions so you can develop inclusive activities with your groups. Depending on the publication, you may find guides aimed at teachers from preschool to secondary school, social workers, adult education trainers, third-sector professionals, and public administration... Among the resources, you will also find online courses and board games.
Visit the "Resources" section of our website to discover them all!

Our Expertise Topics
Intercultural communication, social inclusion, and the fight against racism, xenophobia, and all forms of discrimination from an intersectional perspective
Gender equity/equality policies and sexual diversity
Culture of peace and coexistence, active citizenship, civic commitment, and local development
Inclusive cultural heritage
School education, school dropout, and prevention of risk behaviors among young people
Sustainability and the Environment